Dataset Name Description Publisher Format Status on MapDatabase Update Frequency
Public Space Database ADNY Identified Public Space, produced by the Placemaking team. The site directly pulls from the Google Sheets. ADNY Google Sheets Live from Google Sheets Updated manually

Last Updated 2023
Privately Owned Public Spaces (POPS) Privately Owned Public Space (POPS) are outdoor and indoor spaces provided for public enjoyment by private owners in exchange for bonus floor area or waivers. This dataset is owned and maintained by the New York City Department of City Planning and created in collaboration with Jerold S. Kayden and The Municipal Art Society of New York. DCP GeoSpatial (points) Live from NYC Open Data Updated annually
Park Property This dataset identifies property managed partially or solely by NYC Parks. This data has been produced in whole or part using secondary data. Data accuracy is limited by the scale and accuracy of the original sources. Site-specific conditions should be field-verified. Records are added as more land is designated under NYC Parks’ jurisdiction. Each record represents an acquisition. DPR GeoSpatial (polygons) Live from NYC Open Data Updated monthly
OpenStreets Locations This dataset identifies property managed partially or solely by NYC Parks. This data has been produced in whole or part using secondary data. Data accuracy is limited by the scale and accuracy of the original sources. Site-specific conditions should be field-verified. Records are added as more land is designated under NYC Parks’ jurisdiction. Each record represents an acquisition. DOT GeoSpatial (lines) Live from NYC Open Data Updated monthly
Landmarks/sites This dataset contains site boundaries for all designated individual landmarks as well as administrative information such as site boundary description and designation date. LPC GeoSpatial (polygons) Live from NYC Open Data Updated biannually
Pedestrian Volume Estimation Pedestrian estimation were generated from Big Belly trash data and Exteros pedestrian counters by Zoe Lin, a 2024 Data Fellow. Note that this is a rough estimation made using a Poisson Regression Model, but its accuracy is limited. Full presentation on methodology can be found here. ADNY GeoSpatial (polygons) Manually loaded GeoJSON Reflecting data collected from 2023-24; Updated April 2024
Pedestrian counter locations Pedestrian counters are set up by Exteros. Find out more on the Exteros Dashboard. Exteros GeoSpatial (points) Manually loaded GeoJSON Reflecting data collected from 2023-24; Updated April 2024
Transit Lines Data provided by the Metropolitan Transportation Authority. It is updated as needed. MTA GeoSpatial (lines) Live from NYC Open Data Automated
Active sidewalk shed/scaffolding Active shed (colloquially refered to as scaffolding) permits are distilled from DOB's active permits by their dev team for their dashboard. The CSV used to populate their dashboard is autogenerated on their public github reposity, which has been pulled to populate our map. See their code source here. DOB CSV Live from NYC Open Data Automated